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Anno accademico 2012/2013

Codice dell'attività didattica
Anna Maffioletti (Titolare del corso)
Corso di studi
controllare nei Piani carriera a quali Corsi di studio è offerto l'insegnamento, a seconda della coorte di riferimento
1° anno 2° anno
Periodo didattico
Secondo semestre - prima parte
Per tutti gli ambiti
SSD dell'attività didattica
SECS-P/01 - economia politica
Modalità di erogazione
Lingua di insegnamento
Modalità di frequenza
Tipologia d'esame

Sommario insegnamento


Obiettivi formativi

L'obiettivo del corso di Economia del Comportamento è quello di riesaminare alcune delle tematiche e dei modelli utilizzati nell’economia neoclassica. Molta parte della teoria economia è di tipo normativo. I modelli economici ci spiegano che cosa il consumatore dovrebbe fare, come cioè si dovrebbe comportare e non come si comporta nella realtà.
Presupposti dell’Economia neoclassica sono la “razionalità “ del consumatore ed il comportamento massimizzante di consumatori ed imprese.

The aim of the couse is introducing students to Priciples of Behavioral Economics. We will analize models about how people behave in reality, when the rationality assumptions on which neoclassical economics is based are relaxed. Behavioral Economics uses elements of Neuroscience as well as Psychology in order to better explain Individual Economic Behaviour



Concetto di razionalità

Fondamenti di economia delle preferenze e dell’incertezza

Economia sperimentale

Utilità attesa

Critiche al concetto di Utilità

Teorie alternative all’utilità

Teoria dei giochi


Esperimenti di Genere

Behavioral Finance

Theory of Choice and rationality concept

Decision making under risk and uncertainty

Experimental methodology

Expeted utility and criticisms

Elements of Behavioral Game theory


Experiments and Gender

Behavioural Finance




Testi consigliati e bibliografia


Per i frequentanti l'esame consisterà principalmente in lavori durante il corso
Per i non frequentanti le letture obbligatorio sono quelle con l'asterisco piu gli articoli di almeno altri due punti a scelta tra quelli elencati in bibliografia
Testi consigliati e bibliografia

Italiano English
Letture e approfondimenti
• *Heap , Hollis, Lyons Sudgen and Weale The Theory of Choice Capitolo 1 Rationa
• *Elster Jon (1996) Rationality and Emotions Economic Journal n106 1386-972 Utilità Attesa
• *Chris Starmer “Developments in Non Expected Utility Theory : The Hant for a Descriptive Theory of Choice under Risk” Journal of Economic Literature vol 38 June 2000 pp332
• *Machina M.(1987) “ Choice under uncertainty : Problem solved and Unsolved “ Economic Perspective vol 1 n. 1 121-124
• *Davis C e C.Holt Experimental Economics Charter I and Last

3 Economia sperimentale
• Davis C e C.Holt Experimental Economics Charter I * and Last
• Roth *On the early historiy of Experimental Economics
• Davis, Douglas and Holt, Charles (1993); Experimental Economics, Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey: Chapter 1.
• Falk, A. and Fehr, E. (2003); "Why labor market experiments?", Labour Economics 10, 399-406 (
• Roth, Alvin E. (1988); "Laboratory Experimentation in Economics: A Methodological Overview", Economic Journal, Vol. 98, 974-1031.
• Smith, Vernon L. (1989); "Theory, Experiment and Economics", Journal of Economic Perspectives, Vol. 3, No. 1, 151-169.
• Smith, Vernon L. (1994); "Economics in the Laboratory", Journal of Economic Perspectives, Vol. 8, No. 1, 113-131.
• Smith, Vernon L. (1976); "Experimental Economics: Induced Value Theory", American Economic Review, Vol. 66, 274-279.

4 Invariance
• Kahnemann D. A. Tversky (2000) “Choice Values and Frame” capitolo 1
• “Choice Values and Frame” eds Kahnemann D. A. Tversky Cambridge University Press 2000
• Kahnemann D. A. Tversky (1979)* „ Prospect Theory Econometrica 47 263-291
• Kahnemann D. A. Tversky (2002) Rational choice and framing of decisions chapter
• Tversky ( 1993) *Constructive Preferences and Rational Choice atti della conferenza tenuta all’icer

5 Preference Reversal
• Holt C. (1986) Preference Reversal and the Independence Axiom American Economic Review vol 76 n 3
• Tversky A. P. Slovic and D. Kahneman (1990)*“ The Causes of Preference Reversal “ American Economic Review vol 80 n. 1
• Loomes G. e R. Sugden “A rationale for preference Reversal”
• American Economic Review June 1983 73, 428-32

6 Endowment Effect
• D. Kahneman J. Kneutsch and R. Thaler (1990) Experimental Tests of the Endowment Effect and the Coarse Theorem Journal of Political Economy 98 December 1325-48
• J. Kneutsch and J Sinden (1987) „ The persistence of Evaluation Disparities “Quartely Journal of Economics 99: 691-95
• J. Kneutsch (1979) The Endowment Effects and Evidence of Non Reversible Indifferent Curves American Economic Review , 79 5: 1277-84
• *Charles R. Plott Kathryn Zeiler (2005) “The Willingness to Pay/Willingness to Accept Gap, the “Endowment Effect,” Subject
• Misconceptions and Experimental Procedures for Eliciting Valuations
• Department of the Humanities and Social Sciences Georgetown University Law CenterCalifornia Institute of Technology Washington, D.C. 20001
• Pasadena, California 91125 Mimeo

7 Alternative theory to EU
• Chris Starmer “Developments in Non Expected Utility Theory : The Hant for a Descriptive Theory of Choice under Risk” Journal of Economic Literature vol 38 June 2000 pp332
• *\Kahnemann D. A. Tversky (1979) „ Prospect Theory Econometrica 47 263-291
• Loomes G. and B. Sudgen (1982) “Regret Theory an alternative theory of Rational Choice under Ucertainty” Economic Journal December 1982 92 805-24

8 Fairness and Games
• Charness, Gary, and Rabin, Matthew (2002); "Understanding Social Preferences with Simple Tests", The Quarterly Journal of Economics 117 (3), 817 - 869
• Burrows P. G. Loomes THE IMPACT OF Fairness on Bargaining Behaviour Empirical Economics 1994 (19) 201-221
• Dawes M. R. Thaler Cooperation Journal of Economic PerspectiveVol “. N. £ pp 187-197
• Fehr, E., Kirchsteiger, G., Riedl, A., 1993. Does fairness prevent market clearing? An experimental investigation. Quarterly Journal of Economics 58, 437– 460.
• Armin Falk, Ernst Fehr, Christian Zehnder Fairness Perceptions and Reservation Wages—The Behavioral Effects of Minimum Wage Laws Quarterly Journal of Economics November 2006, Vol. 121, No. 4: 1347-1381.
9 Economics of Gender
• Performance in Competitive Environments: Gender Differences." Uri Gneezy, Muriel Niederle and Aldo Rustichini; Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2003, 118(3), pp. 1049-74.
• James Andreoni & Lise Vesterlund, 2001. "Which Is The Fair Sex? Gender Differences In Altruism," The Quarterly Journal of Economics, MIT Press, vol. 116(1), pages 293-312, February.
• Differences in the economic decisions of men and women:experimental evidence Catherine C. Eckel Philip J. Grossman Department of Economics Virginia Technology
10 Neuro economics
• Neuroeconomics: How Neuroscience Can Inform Economics
Colin Camerer, George Loewenstein and Drazen Prelec The Journal of Economic Literature
Vol. 43, No. 1, March 2005
• Rustichini Aldo 2005 Neuroeconomics Present and Future Games and Economic Behavioour 25 201-212

Check the Italian



Occorre aver fatto l'esame di microeconomia. La frequenza è vivamente consigliata perché parte dell'esame si svolgerà nel corso


Behavioral Economics. You shoud have passed the exam of Microeconomics to enroll in this class. Attendance is almost conpulsory since student examination will involved a lot of couse work  

Ultimo aggiornamento: 07/04/2014 15:40

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